A quick note to say: brb

Hello friends!

Just a quick note today to say I’ll be off next week. Usually when I disappear for a week under a blanket of burn-out and general run-down-ness, not keeping up with this makes me feel very guilty and then it all begins again! So I’m trying a new, proactive thing here. 

Guilty is a good word for it. There’s never a good time to take a week off in this region where something is always happening and it’s always important. This March marks FOUR YEARS since I first launched and I can’t believe that it’s gone from a timewaster in Starbucks to this. But I have very big ideas of where to go next and it’s hard to stick to my own promises when it’s not so well planned out. 

Whenever I meet people it’s always nice to hear that it’s recognised how much work goes into it, even when I am overpromising and underdelivering. So I hope you don’t mind to not hear from me next week and then, hopefully, it’ll all be reset and ready to take on another big year.

If you’re a free member and would like to support the year ahead please do so here, I’d be immensely grateful! It’s $60 for the year and $6 for the month:

Enjoy your week — I will!



or to participate.